With all of the recent hype surrounding Area 51, and the ensuing contentions of 'reverse-engineering' of Alien spacecraft, you have to wonder if the Feds have finally blown their cover. Everybody and their mother has now heard of the supposedly Top Secret base- how could this become so familar to normal citizens? Maybe the real Government secrets aren't at Area 51 at all, and the sudden publicity is part of a carefully orchestrated plan by the Government to
divert the public attention. Meanwhile, elsewhere, the research continues far away from prying eyes.
The Apollo missions to the moon ceased in 1972, but our Lunar occupation didn't end there. NASA (in cohorts with the usual cast of big conspiracy players) not only knows about UFO's on the moon, but has established relations with Alien beings. Under these circumstances, NASA scientists have been researching the Alien technology and begun applying it on Earth. Don't believe it? Consider the following:
The publicly broadcasted transmissions of the first mission to the moon from Apollo 11 contained a strange two minute interruption due to a supposed "overheated camera". Ham radio operators using their own VHF receiving facilities intercepted the transmission that passed NASA broadcast outlets. Otto Binder, a member of the NASA team, later confirmed the supressed transmissions from Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon:
"These babies were huge, sir... enormous... Oh, God you wouldn't believe it!... I'm telling you that there are other space-craft out there... lined up on the far side of the crater edge... they're on the Moon watching us..."
While these Aliens were reported to have warned the Astronauts off the moon, we did go back several times... suggesting that a relationship may have developed. Not suprisingly, broadcast transmissions from later expeditions to the Moon were marked by strange code language- why, if there were no secrets to maintain? James Lovell announced to the world on a subsequent Apollo mission: "Please be informed there is a Santa Claus". What? What the hell does Santa Claus have to do with this? Dr. Farouk, a prominent NASA scientist admitted: "Not every discovery has been announced".
It has been 27 years since the first Moon mission, and there are ever increasing signs of UFO activity- but the world hasn't been destroyed yet. What does this tell you? If you believe the supressed Apollo 11 transmissions and proponents of Government "reverse engineering" projects like Bob Lazar, the whole situation falls into focus. Not only did NASA recognize Alien life on the moon, but managed to develop relations- enough that NASA scientists were allowed to research and pilot the Alien space-craft. Why did valuable research missions to the moon discontinue? They didn't. But the public never knew anything, because the access to Alien craft eliminated the need for expensive and inefficient launches from Cape Canaveral. The research didn't stop- it merely fell from public view.
Of course NASA has denied everything, but it would explain a lot of things. It satisfies the wildest claims of Alien technology- everything from Stealth to CD's could have come from the research on the moon. Likewise, the moon would provide a convenient base for the all of the recent UFO activity- some of which might even be piloted by Humans. Unfortunately, we may never be able to prove the existence of the Lunar Laboratories, for the simple fact that the average citizen can't just fly to the moon. Secrets are hard to escape when they float over 200,000 miles away.
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